Attrition. It’s a word that people don’t like especially if they own a business of their own. Hence, management gurus mention the importance of retaining talent before they seek out ‘greener pastures’. There’s another issue that is related to attrition, and that is the hiring of new talent in replacement […]

Anyone can be an artist now. It’s not just for those who have a talent for cartooning, painting or sketching, thanks to the use of stencils. A stencil is a very simple way of reproducing letters (as you might have owned one when you were in school) or a design […]

Do you have individual dental insurance? While to some, this might seem as an impertinent question, the fact is that since 2005, the number of people who are uninsured for several reasons have risen significantly giving government officials cause for concern about the welfare of its citizens. There are several […]

Vision problems in the United States cost the country about $ 50 billion a year, and almost 75 percent of the population needs some kind of treatment in terms of vision correction equipment. So what these statistics should tell you is that vision insurance has become more important than ever, […]

Yogurt is a great option for a cold treat. It’s delicious, creamy, cold, and much healthier than ice cream or gelato. In fact, more and more people are eating this healthy treat and business establishments have been quick to supply the demand for it. Those looking to open a yogurt […]

In a world where law enforcement is being challenged by smarter criminals, forensics has provided a fitting answer to finding clues that are ‘latent’ (meaning, hidden), thanks to the numerous products that have come out such as fingerprint ink and evidence bags among others. With the success of these products […]

Forex Webtrader is another online site that links its users to the foreign exchange market place.  Forex Webtrader is one of the biggest forex sites in the world.  It is part of the Finexo network and allied with Saxo Bank whose primary purpose is to trade in foreign currency around […]

Article written by FRG News Ever been to an internet marketing conference? Well, you should if you want to learn the latest and the greatest from internet marketing gurus out there. They say that the greatest teacher a student can have is experience, but you can’t argue that along with […]

If you are a professional Android app developer, you might be concerned after hearing that Google has opened up the app development process with the release of its App Inventor. Available for free through Google Labs, the App Inventor gives the general public access to the same programming environment previously […]