Be part of an internet marketing conference

Article written by FRG News

Ever been to an internet marketing conference? Well, you should if you want to learn the latest and the greatest from internet marketing gurus out there. They say that the greatest teacher a student can have is experience, but you can’t argue that along with experience comes valuable advice from experts in the field, who will share their own experiences with you right in the middle of the conference. An exhibit hall pass should render you hours of learning and networking opportunities while mingling with people in the industry.

Watch out for the latest scoop in the digital marketing sphere by attending one of several upcoming ad:tech shows in different locations, namely Sydney, New Delhi, London, Melbourne, Singapore, Tokyo and Shanghai. Shows are also lined up in both San Francisco and New York so you better keep your eyes peeled for them. Committ several hours of your day attending one of these events and you’re sure to pick up valuable lessons about your trade from the best of the best in the internet marketing industry.

Meanwhile, just because you’re an internet marketing professional doesn’t mean you don’t have to have anything to do with advertising. As a matter of fact, you have to know people in the advertising industry. That’s because as with any other company that uses advertising to get attetion on their products and services, so does your internet marketing business. Without advertising, you won’t be able to cut through the media clutter. So mingle with advertising professionals in ad:tech’s advertising trade show and get to know what makes them tick.


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Forex Webtrader

Thu Apr 28 , 2011
Article written by FRG News Ever been to an internet marketing conference? Well, you should if you want to learn the latest and the greatest from internet marketing gurus out there. They say that the greatest teacher a student can have is experience, but you can’t argue that along with […]