The Pros and Cons of an Open Office Layout

Summary: If you are considering setting up an open office layout for your employees, read these tips before you take the leap.

Much like how businesses and industries evolve, so do the very offices that employees work in. Employers are getting creative, looking for different ways to structure their businesses to be as efficient as possible. One popular trend that has gained traction of the past few years is the concept of an open office layout. Rather than higher-ups having their own closed offices while the other employees are packed into small cubicles, people work in an open environment and sometimes even share tables. Consider the following argument and counterargument if you want to redecorate your office.

More Collaboration

One of the biggest arguments for open offices is that the design is meant to encourage collaboration. When there aren’t cubicles and walls dividing people, it is much easier to reach out to one another. Rather than working by yourself and then clocking out at the end of the day, those in favor of open offices would hope that employees would be more willing to openly communicate and work with those around themselves. This gives the company more of a team environment, where everyone, from new hires to executives, is on the same level.

Too Many Distractions

A large concern of working in an open office layout is the amount of new distractions a person can become exposed to. The lack of individual offices may seem like a good idea on paper, but the lack of walls can be distracting. Conversations, noises from other employees, and too much commotion can ultimately make it quite tough for someone to focus and actually get work done. Rather than having physical walls to separate employees, some have turned to headphones to block out noises and discourage interaction.

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Sat Feb 1 , 2020
Summary: If you are considering setting up an open office layout for your employees, read these tips before you take the leap. Much like how businesses and industries evolve, so do the very offices that employees work in. Employers are getting creative, looking for different ways to structure their businesses […]