Top Reasons to Use Display Ads

This article was written by Ted Dhanik

Display ads have many strengths that keep them useful to marketers. If you know how to buy display traffic, there is a lot of money to be made branding your business and selling products through banner advertisements. Though it does take careful analysis, and thorough work, several prominent brands utilize banners effectively.


Display ads employ images, which reinforce brand awareness effectively. Today, new techniques like retargeting allow brands to “follow” their audience around the web and offer them useful deals. These banners also amplify reach significantly, often reaching thousands of people daily through targeted channels.

Banner advertising has the potential to alter a user’s perception of your brand, regardless of whether he clicked on the banner or not. One effective method is to make one of your benefits a part of your slogan or logo, like free shipping. People will learn to associate you with free shipping as time goes on, helping to increase your sales downstream.


Display advertising has the potential to increase traffic significantly. Marketers have learned to use demand side platforms for delivery of banner advertisements to an ever widening audience across the Internet. Buying from different networks also has the potential to lower your costs, but marketers study their demographic carefully to find proper ways to reach them. Bidding on keywords and targeting delivers the type of audience you want for your website.


Any kind of advertising has the potential to increase sales, but display ads encourage sales and recognition at the same time. Users may need to see ads multiple times before they react, and banner advertisements can be striking in their design. Recognizable brands are also more effective at selling products than an established player. Building that recognition through aggressive advertisement ensures that even if the user has never purchased a product, your brand can still carry some weight to it. There is also the numbers game, and banner ads beat other forms of advertising in spades.

Ads can be seen thousands of times per day, often costing marketers pennies on the dollar to show. With the potential ad revenue generated, the costs can easily pay for themselves.

Final Thoughts

Banner ads are still one of the most effective tools for branding businesses on the web. Ads feature prominently on websites, and utilize striking imagery to draw the user’s attention.

Bio: Ted Dhanik is the co-founder of engage:BDR. Ted Dhanik is a marketing professional with fifteen years of experience helping brands to expand online. Find out more about banner advertising when you visit Ted Dhanik online.


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Fri Jun 13 , 2014
This article was written by Ted Dhanik Display ads have many strengths that keep them useful to marketers. If you know how to buy display traffic, there is a lot of money to be made branding your business and selling products through banner advertisements. Though it does take careful analysis, and […]