From burgers to breakfast, almost anything and everything come fast in this day and age of instant gratification. Be aware of this trend and you stand to make a fortune on quick servings, short orders, and nothing but the best fast food. However, you must first have the ware to […]

If you have a business with employees, chances are you know the importance of reliable time clocks. They’re necessary for ensuring you pay your hourly employees what you owe them and that people are showing up and leaving when they’re supposed to. But don’t get hung up on the only […]

Author bio: Guest post is provided by Ted Dhanik, the president and co-founder of engage:BDR.  engage: BDR is a leading media company that offers marketing solutions for direct response marketers.  Ted Dhanik has extensive experience with banner and display advertising.  Ted Dhanik was previously the VP of Strategic Marketing for […]

While playing the lottery is exciting, winning the jackpot is nearly impossible. According to a recent article in the New York Times, the odds of winning a Powerball jackpot, for example, is 1 in 175 million. However, devoted lottery players know that there are serious tricks and strategies for playing […]

Online shopping is a growing industry. It is an industry that is growing at such an exponential rate, that almost anyone can be part of the online shopping revolution. From long-established mom and pop stores, to the smallest of casual start-ups, anyone and everyone can participate in the online marketplace. […]

Do you feel like you are stuck going in circles with your regular day job? Do you think that you are overworked, underpaid and unappreciated? Perhaps you should now ditch the grind, exit the rat race and enter the world of entrepreneurship. If you become an entrepreneur, you are no […]

Guest post is provided by Cosmix Inc., a leading makeup academy located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Check out their website for more information. Aspiring makeup artists need to have the proper interview skills in order to book makeup jobs.  Every make up artist school should conduct lessons on interviewing because […]

By Ted Dhanik  Display advertising has many benefits to the business. One such benefit is the specificity of advertising. Because display ads are created and promoted to people who are most interested in the product, the amount of people who both view the ad and purchase a product or visit […]