Article by Pierre Zarokian. When looking for a web designer, it is very tempting to automatically exclude anyone who won’t work for peanuts. But if you do that, you’re not going to have a good looking site. You should come up with a price you think is reasonable, but if […]

Article by Pierre Zarokian. If your reputation has been harmed by untrue posts that defame you or your business, you may feel like your options are limited. Here, discusses some of the industry’s best reputation repair tricks you can use to make things right. Social Media The basis of […]

Summary: If you are considering setting up an open office layout for your employees, read these tips before you take the leap. Much like how businesses and industries evolve, so do the very offices that employees work in. Employers are getting creative, looking for different ways to structure their businesses […]

Article by Pierre Zarokian. You don’t need visually enticing advertisements to direct a consumer to your product. Every business owner looks to increase their exposure in one way or another. When you delve deep into the core of business strategies, you’ll notice that one of the most effective strategic moves […]

Article was written by Pierre Zarokian of Reputation Stars. At present, companies need to manage public relations as part of their marketing efforts. It’s quite different from how marketing was in the past. Customer feedback had been measured primarily through product evaluation and market testing. Today, customer complaints occur on […]

Blog provided by Monte Carlo Rent A Car Travelling to Jordan, can be an exciting, richly cultural experience. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’ve never been to Amman before. Relax and don’t be overly suspicious You might be wondering if it’s safe to travel to […]

More and more companies these days depend on Electronic Data Interchange technology to streamline their communications with other “trading partners.” It’s interesting to think, for example, where the company would be if not for Walmart EDI. Despite its popularity, though, many don’t know how exactly an EDI service works. Continue […]