You can also decide to buy a used safe instead of spending more money on a brand new unit. However, always bear in mind that you have to be doubly conscious about the choices you make. Many used safes for sale look good at first glance but are actually not as dependable as how they are supposed to be. To make sure that you will be getting your money’s worth or more when you are buying used safes, take the following pointers into account:
- Reliability of the Seller – Before choosing the safe you want to buy, ascertain that you are choosing a reputable seller. Safes are not just ordinary appliances. They are security devices meant to contain valuable items. You can’t just randomly choose the seller. Ask for recommendations from people you know who have already bought second hand safes or do some research online.
- Specs – The pre-owned safe you are getting should have specifications that correspond to what the seller advertises. Examine the thickness of the door and walls of the safe. If it has a digital lock, be sure to do some tests to find out if it still works reliably. However, you of course can’t do a test if a safe is fire-resistant. The best thing to do is to avoid fire-resistant safes that have already been exposed to fire. Bear in mind that fire resistance, even in the most durable locks, are only for a limited period of time. Similarly, it’s not going to be easy proving if an advertised burglary-proof safe is indeed burglary-proof. You may have to ask for the assistance of someone who is knowledgeable about safes ori rely on the word of the seller.
- Warranty – Some second hand safes may come with warranties carried over the from the original purchase. Many safes have quite long warranties ranging from ten years to a lifetime. Just be sure to ask the seller if the warranty documents are still available. Some warranties may be associated with the original owner and are non-transferrable so take note of such setup. On the other hand, you may also ask for a warranty from the used safe seller. Many sellers give new warranties for the pre-owned items they offer in case the unit does not come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Don’t expect, however, to have warranties from both the safe manufacturer and the used safe’s seller.
- Free Delivery/Bonuses – Unless you are buying small safes or you have your own vehicle to carry the unit, it’s also worth checking out if the seller offers extra services like free delivery. However, this should not be considered as a major deciding factor. The quality of the safe and its value for the money you spend should still serve as the major points of consideration. Think of free delivery as the deciding factor if you are comparing two or more very similar options. You can also use this as a leverage if you are bargaining for a lower price with another seller.
You will certainly be spending less if you decide to get a used safe. It’s just important to be very careful with your buying decision. Always look for multiple options and do comparisons. More importantly, always do a physical inspection of the unit you are considering to buy.