Blog provided by The Foam Factory Sound proofing foam, or acoustic foam, is an ingenious substance that can completely change the way a room sounds. Though it cannot block out sound completely, it can greatly reduce the amount of unwanted noise inside a room by absorbing the unwanted reverberations and […]
Blog provided by The Foam Factory Do you wake up in the morning with clogged sinuses and a runny nose? You might be wondering how your allergies managed to reach you from the comfort of your bed. What you might not know is that your bed could be the cause […]
Summary: If you are considering setting up an open office layout for your employees, read these tips before you take the leap. Much like how businesses and industries evolve, so do the very offices that employees work in. Employers are getting creative, looking for different ways to structure their businesses […]
If you neglect to change your vehicle’s battery, you might end up being stranded on the side of the road at the most inconvenient time. It’s tough to tell when your battery needs to be replaced and many times you’ll find yourself on the way to an important event […]