We blog a lot about bad credit repair and the measures consumers take to regain control of their credit but sometimes it’s the little things that count. When you go to pay your deductible or any hospital costs after baby, think again before reaching for your credit card. A large […]

As people are looking for ways to maximize their capital and other assets, they frequently look to software to help them find new approaches or eliminate costly redundancies. One example is collateral management software, which helps financial service providers make the most out of their back office resources and devote […]

It is important to shop around for home insurance quotes to ensure that you receive the best possible price for a policy that meets your needs. In order to compare accurate quotes, make sure that you provide the same information to each agent or company. According to the National Association […]

Advocacy efforts over the prospect of credit card interchange regulation have led to a gridlocked debate between retailers and credit card companies, reports the National Journal. Interchange fees are the costs stores pay to banks when customers use credit cards. According to the article, points supporting retailers include: Total costs […]

American Express Co. is purchasing Revolution Money for nearly $300 million to keep up with trends in electronic payments, where new security features and internet credit card processing transaction options are changing traditional models, reports the Associated Press. According to the article, merchant services provider Revolution Money offers payments authorized […]

In recent years, we have all been reminded of the power of hurricanes and other natural disasters that can happen along America’s coastline, especially along the Gulf Coast and the Eastern Seaboard regions. In fact, the risks are so great that in many states it is impossible to get a […]

When getting a home insurance online quote, you might notice quite a discrepancy between the rates being quoted by different providers. That’s because certain companies place different levels of emphasis on different factors. Here are a few to keep in mind as you search for insurance rates: Claims history: In […]

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Florida Office of Federal Regulation have ordered Landmark Bank of Florida to strengthen its loan practices and increase their loan capital in the next 60 days, according to a report in the Tampa Bay Business Journal. The bank has until January 5, […]

Managing staff costs during a recession is mandatory for the survival of the company. In addition any staff costs saved will immediately be transferred to your profits. This will look good for the company when your profits are padded somewhat. That being said, managing your staff costs during a recession […]